Exhibition catalogue for Entang Wiharso's exhibition Never Say No
All artworks by Entang Wiharso, essays by Melissa Chu, Agung Hujatnikajennong
Catalogue design by Winnie Wu studioKALEIDO
Photography of artworks on cover and pages 9–12, 16–19, 25–38, 44–45, 54–55, 71–73, 86–91,
102–103, 110–124 by Katariina Träskelin
STPI Work-In-Progress photography by Oh Tiam Guan and Aeon Neo
450 copies printed and bound by Allegro Print
STPI, Singapore 2015.
Catalogue design by Winnie Wu studioKALEIDO
Photography of artworks on cover and pages 9–12, 16–19, 25–38, 44–45, 54–55, 71–73, 86–91,
102–103, 110–124 by Katariina Träskelin
STPI Work-In-Progress photography by Oh Tiam Guan and Aeon Neo
450 copies printed and bound by Allegro Print
STPI, Singapore 2015.
ISBN 978 981 09 4757 6